
Celebrate Banned Books Week

I'm a tad bit late in spreading the celebration of Banned Books week (Sept 26-Oct. 3), but please join in the fun in the next few days by visiting your library, donating to the cause, or most importantly exercising your right to free reading and read one of the banned books!

Check out the 2008-2009 list of banned or challenged books. I'm quite proud (and a bit surprised too) that I've read a few of these books in the past two years and would never have guessed it would be on a banned list. Now that I'm thinking about it, I bet authors don't mind being placed on the "naughty list" because it just may bring about more interested readers, I know I've already put some of this year's books on my TBR list and I might not have come across some of the titles in the first place had it not been for the banning!

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