
2010 A Buck-A-Book Challenge

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all could get paid to simply read books endlessly?

Wish you could some how be rewarded for all the time and effort you put in completing reading challenges, (of course other than your own personal satisfaction, which be no means should be devalued!)

Well, why not read a plethora of books, and just pay yourself for a job well done?!

Welcome to DelGal's “A-Buck-A-Book” Challenge

Here's a great way to reward yourself for reading persistence and save money at the same time. Read as many books as you'd like, there is no minimum, and there is no maximum. BUT, here's the "catch", you MUST physically take a dollar and save it somewhere safe where it won't be spent, every time you complete a book. At the end of the year, your total money saved will be the total amount of books read, ideally the more book read, the more money saved.
Now, once Dec 31 comes, you're must spend this saved money on something fun just for yourself (no paying bills, no buying gifts for someone else!), to begin the next year... Maybe more books for the new year? A nice dinner out to celebrate reading? The possibilities are endless! Finally, once this challenge completes on Dec 31st, please let your blog fans, and fellow challenge participants, know what you decided to spend your money on by posting whatever it may be. If it's $5 or if it's $100, we want to know what you rewarded yourself with for a year of hard yet enjoyable fun reading!

In short - put aside a dollar for each book you read. Post in the comment section your progress if you don't have a blog, or a link to your blog. At the end of the year update us as to what you did with your saved money. That's it!

May you have much reading joy participating!


Grilsgood said...

I guess this is how we join, I am going to be so rich

Kim said...

I am in! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm in. And I am counting my books from Jan 1st until today. Even though I am just joining today. I hope that is okay!.. Here is my link


This is a great challenge!! I am very excited about it!

AlleluiaLu said...

Heaven knows I don't need to sign up for another challenge - BUT this sounds like a good plan! I'm in!

Amy said...

I'm in, too! http://amyliz2008.blogspot.com/2010/01/buck-book-challenge.html

CMash said...

What a great idea!!! Count me in..I can already see the $$ (lol)
And since I signed up for J.Kaye's 100+ challenge, I will have a lot to spend.
My amount will be posted here

Sherrie said...

I found your Buck A Book Challenge over at Trisha's Book Blog. I am joining in on this challenge. This is an awesome idea. I have posted about this at my place, Just Books, and linked it back to you. Have a great day!

Just Books

Fiona said...

Now this is a challenge I can really get in to. Wonder what I'll spend my money on *dreaming*?


Andrea said...

I also came from Trisha's Book Blog. This is such a cute idea.

Sandra said...

I like the idea too. Count me in.

Kara said...

Count me in!! Trying for 100 books this year...should be a nice gift - LOL.


Bears Fan said...

I love this idea! Count me in too!
Happy Reading!

Momrempel said...

What a great challenge. I am in a few challenges already but adding this one!!!

Ryan said...

I'm in! What a great idea.

Anonymous said...

Being a librarian means I get paid to read already, but I'm in for the literal version of this too. What am I gonna do with all my money? Thanks for hosting... all my challenges are posted here: http://dreadfulpenny.wordpress.com/reading-challenges/

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I am in as well - great idea!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Hey, I'm in! I posted about it here:


Florinda said...

Oh, sign me up - it's no more work, and twice the incentive to read! This is a great idea.

I'll post about the challenge as part of my Sunday Salon this weekend.


Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Thanks for the great idea! I'm in:


Now, can you send some psychic waves out to help us actually have the willpower to put the money back and keep our grubby paws off it?! LOL!

Erin said...

Found this through Rainy Days and Mondays. I've got two challenges right now, but since this really isn't about adding more books to the lists, it's easy enough to fit it in. Great idea!

I'm also going to go back and count from the first of the year. Can't wait to see what my reading stash lets me buy!

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea! I am going to figure out what I've read this year already and get started. I could have enough for a mini vacation by December;o)

Natalie W said...

Great challenge! I'm in too :0)

bookinhand said...

Great idea! Count me in!!

Nikki said...

Here's the link for my challenge (it's tied into two other challenges):


Angel Borland said...

Sounds like a good plan! I can't wait for Dec 31st!!


Sophie said...

This sounds like such a great idea-- and a great way to keep my girls reading more!

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I stuck with the challenge and read 90 books. I will be donating a buck-a-book to the Central Asia Institute (Pennies for Peace)started by Greg Mortensen who wrote Three Cups of Tea. Thanks for the challenge. Will you be hosting it again this coming year?
